Friday, March 19, 2010

Champions for Children

In-Kind Donations:
Honorable Mention: Tracie Chapman and Elisa Rivera
Friend: The Butter Box, Johnson Sheffield, Piggly Wiggly-Warsaw, Wal-Mart, The Bistro Restaurant,
Dean’s Gas Company, and Gustavo Rodea
Bronze: Lucille Washington
Gold: LTF
Platinum: Beulaville Liquidators, Head Start, and Duplin County Health Services
Champions for Children
2008-2009 Quarter 1 & 2: Cash, Volunteer, and In-Kind Donations:
Duplin County Partnership for Children would like to thank individuals, agencies and
businesses for donating their time and money to our cause. Without you we would
not be able to do as much as we do for the children of Duplin County.
Cash Donations:
Honorable Mention: Ken Jones, Linda Smith, Phyllis Stanford, Tonya Stewart, Tom Reeves,
Gustavo Rodea, Mary Wood, and Twila Bowen
Friend: Darrell Jones, Deborah Bailey, Ed Emory, James Snyder, Pamela Colvin, Ann Washington,
Cristal Jenkins, Duplin Auto Brokers, Paul Rose, Scot Brennan, Angela Miller, JD Teachey, Minchew Motors,
Norris Tire Service, and Zettie Williams
Patron: Alice Brown, Golden Key Realty, Inc., Kingdom Builders, Lending Library Members,
Rose Hill Restaurant, Scottie’s Drug, Wallace Drug Company, Inc., and Warsaw Drugs
Bronze: Airco Reco, Bay Valley Foods, Duplin Medical Association, Four Oaks Bank, House of Raeford,
Lynda’s Play & Learn Too, Inc., Southern Bank, and Linda Hadden
Volunteer Hours
Friend: Curley Stallings
Patron: Alicia Randolph, Stan Hubbard, Ann Herring, Bob Herring, Abriel Murphy, Chuck Weaver,
Donna Jones, Eric Jones, Eric Southerland, Latoya Jones, Mary Scott, Nettie Daub, Pamela Cyrus,
Phyllis Stanford, Tommy Kissner, Vivian Murphy, Zannette Jones, Deborah Hubbard, Michelle Bell,
Tina Bryan, Nominating Committee
Bronze: Twila Bowen, Allison Sasser, Donna Landis, Kirby Clark, Rhonda Spivey, Tammy Areo,
Charles Brewer, Sarah Brewer, Shannon Brewer, Patrice Smith, Rosa Jarman, Shirley Jones,
Terry Matthews, and Diana Kissner
Silver: Finance Committee Members
Gold: Board of directors

mr g

Thursday, March 18, 2010

FBD: Walmart denies rumors of collaboration on immigration raids

the facts about Inmigration

(1) All residents of the thirteen original colonies invaded rather than settled, first they did not have any permission to enter the Americas other than that extended by the English Monarchy which was in no positions to sell what was not rightfully theirs, second there were already a number of independent native American tribes which had their own culture, language, and political system, which where invaded by what the Colonies and later the United States.

(2)During a long period of time the United States did have any restriction on immigration, so it is very likely that your ancestors came here without any legal permission. It was not until 1875 that Congress passed restrictive immigration law and this was a result of American racism as well as religious intolerance (but in reality that's all that immigration law is meant to cover)against the great number of Irish Catholics that immigrated in between 1820 and 1880. If you read a history book once in life-time you will realize that every new restrictive immigration law that was passed since was in response to a new cultural, racial, or religious, stigma.

(3) Today immigrants take the responsibility of helping this nation grow, they are the one's who take the most undesirable work, the work most legal citizens would be terrified of doing. It estimated By the National Research Council that the average immigrant will contribute 80,000 dollars (in 1996 dollars) to the government over the amount of money they receive from local, state, and federal benefits. When you multiply this number by the estimated amount of illegal immigrants the sum would $924,400,000,000 in their lifetime. Furthermore it was found by the Federal Banks of Dallas and Atlanta that Immigrants have no effect on the wages of service related, professional, or manual laborers, however they do have a negative effect of 2.5 percent on low skill workers, when it relates to salary.

Immigrant whether legal or illegal benefit this county more that they cost. Furthermore everyone in this county is immigrant, therefore let us put our racial, cultural, and religious differences aside and work toward a better America. An America that is true to it's image of being the land of the free, brave, the melting pot of the world. So, in conclusion if you would like to restore the America you speak of, get yourself and your family member back to where you came from.

And about Wall-Mart, just boycott them, until they fix the whole "Empire of evil, abuse, and the anti esprit de corps."

Adios mis paisanos